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"You Are Beautiful, Just The Way You Are"

Kissis is created in year 2016. In our early establishment, we interpreted that “ Simple & Stylish” has to be combine with trendy items. Our passion and fancy towards fashion has brought us thus far, and we continue to learn-relearn and unlearn throughout the years. “Simple & Stylish” is actually means much more that it seems.

Feel Comfort ; Loving Life

That is our answer.

We love to be free, be the one we want to be after experience all the tedious. However, the ideal of comfort life is hiding in the every details.

Be honest and comfort when facing yourself. Our beautiful and style is such charming and irresistible once you have the right attitude of your life. No one can define your beauty.

Henceforth, our brand is for whom have the courage to lift herself up after going through low points. Just like the rainbow comes after storm – You find the most comfortable you.

 - Co-Founder ' Vivian 



Kissis 创立于2016年,

经营初期的定位和理念就是 “简约美” 并且兼具时尚风格的单品


但一路走来的心路蜕变,也让我们对于 “ 简约美 ” 有了另一番的领悟

Feel Comfort ; Loving Life


“ 经历各种生活繁琐,对于舒适而美好的生活理想,其实贯彻于日常的每一个小细节,步调慢一点点,自在多一点点,是如此的向往。

诚实的面对自己,做最自在的自己,当有了自己的‘态度’ ,外貌与造型自然而然被赋予灵魂而迷人,无人能定义你的美。”

